At the Salem High School on June 13, 2019, Ed’s friends, former classmates and family gathered to dedicate the JROTC room to Edmond’s memory with a bronze plaque at its entrance. The Plaque reads ” This room is dedicated to the memory of SSgt Edmond Lo in recognition of his Leadership and Dedication as a Salem High School Air Force JROTC Cadet, and due to his Leadership and Sacrifice in serving his country in the United States Army _Dedicated the 13th day of June, 2019. The date is significant because it is the 10 year anniversary of his death.
We are honored to have Ed remembered in such a special way by the JROTC and for their efforts every year to make sure that Ed is always remembered by the community.
Our sincerest thanks to Chief Puzzo, the JROTC cadets and Salem High School.